Operation & Maintenance Services
- Offshore Oil & Gas fields
- Offshore Oil & Gas fields
- Refinery & Petrochemical plants
- Renewable & Biomass Projects
Engineering Services
- Process Simulation
- Equipments and line sizing
- Process flow diagram (PFD)
- Process & Instrumentation Drawings
- Process calculation such as Material Balance, Energy Balance, Utility Balance
- Equipment and Instrument Specification / Data Sheets.etc
- SAFE Chart, Design basis etc
- General Layout
- PDS, PDMS, CADworx Modeling of Piping and
- Piping of Different Equipments , Pipe rack etc
- Nozzle Orientation
- Piping Bulk MTO
- Stress calc
- Co ordination With Various Department
- Plot Plan & Pipe Rack Layout
- Equipment layout, sizing and selection including nozzle orientation, design and optimization
- Detailed stress analysis of high temperature and pressure piping systems and preparation of stress reports
- Complete 3D-detailed modeling and layout design from Plot Plan and P&IDs using leading Plant Design System
- Detailed piping layout and design including preparation of piping isometrics, MTOs and GA drawings
Structural/Civil & Marine
- Civil/ Structural design of plant buildings and structures (RCC & Steel)
- Design of pipe racks and other frame structures including platforms and catwalks
- Design of shallow and deep foundations
- Design of equipment foundations
- Vibration and impact control, analysis & design for structures and foundations
- Design of hazardous and explosion resistant facilities/ areas in the plant
- Detailed finite element (linear / nonlinear, static & dynamic) stress analysis for various structures
- Seismic analysis and design of structures including nuclear containment
- Design of supporting structures such as overhead cranes, monorails, platforms or beams
- Multiple structure dynamic and seismic soil-structure interaction analysis
- Stability Analysis, Motions & Mooring Analysis of ships, Semi Subs, JUs, FPSOs etc
- Preparation of detailed structural/ fabrication drawings
- 3D Modeling and Design of civil / structural components on PDS
- Expertise on the following software Stad.Pro, Ansys, SACS etc
- Pre Bid Engineering
- Detailed engineering
- Procurement Assistants(TQ, TBA & PS)
- Cable Tray Layouts, Earthing Layouts
- MCT Layouts, Equipment Layouts
- Cable Schedule
- Sizing Calculations(Cable, Transformer, Load etc.)
- Vendor Document Review
- Site Survey
- Power System Analysis(ie.S.L.D. & Data preparation for Power System Studies, Simulation of Power System Studies (Load Flow, Short Circuit, Trans Stab and Relay Co-ordination,etc.)
- Project Executions
- Preparation of Project Report after execution
- Protection schemes
- Training the other staffs in the Department on Power System Softwares (CYME & EDSA)
- Co-ordination with clients for conceptual clarity in the field of expertise and demonstrated energy to deliver results
- Preparation of Material requisition, Technical bid evaluation, vendor print review & approval
- Sizing and selection of all types of control valves, safety valves, on off valves (OMS service also) Pneumatic Ac
tuators, Power cylinder actuator, Electrical Actuators, Catridges for Noise reduction and Flow elements, etc based on the process data & customer specification
- Selection of field electronic transmitters (level, pressure, temperature and flow)
- Steam application valves like desuperheaters, PRDS valves
- Temperature elements i.e. thermocouples and RTDs, Thermowell wake
- frequency calculations
- Switches (pressure, temperature and level)
- Flow instruments (all major types)
- Pressure instruments (all major types)
- Level instruments (all major types)
- Techno-commercial offer
preparation as per the requirements of the customers, independently and periodical review of offers
- Co-ordinates with customers for smooth execution of orders
- Plot Plan finalization / optimization including 2D/ 3D modeling
- Static equipment design using PVElite
- Rotating equipments and packages design specs preparation
- RFQ prepration
- Vendor Data Review and Co-ordination